Sunday, August 7, 2011

On America and Politics

I don't mean for this to be a political blog. In fact, the last thing I want to do is tell you what to believe, especially in such a big issue like the Future of America. That said, I do want to write about my political views in this post and hope that there are some people who will read this and at least think about it.

The idea of America engages people all over the world. All the things we believe in- freedom, justice, the Dream- are ideals for everyone to follow. For a couple of centuries, Americans have held these values like a flashlight, a guide through the unknown, a tool to see our surroundings with more clarity. The esteem associated with America exists even now, admittedly at a lesser value. However, the recent debt ceiling debate and the ongoing decline of education, health care, and other aspects of our culture have put us in a bad light.